Gifted and Talented Program
The College Station Independent School District defines a gifted student as one who performs at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment, and who exhibits a high performance capacity for leadership, or excels in a specific academic field. We serve identified gifted students in the GT program in kindergarten through 4th grade through a pull-out program as well as through clustering in a classroom with other identified gifted students.
CSISD begins formal identification for the gifted/talented program in the second semester each year. The screening process includes achievement test data (Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), a teacher rating scale, a parent rating scale, and a cognitive abilities test (CogAT).
Students identified as GT meet for 90 – 120 minutes per week to engage in ongoing projects and problem-solving challenges.
More information is available on the CSISD website:
Cynthia Stephens
Enrichment Specialist, Rock Prairie